(W) Jeff Kurtti
Tangled, the 50th animated feature produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios, offers a lighthearted twist on Rapunzel, the beloved fairy tale from the Brothers Grimm, complete with a daring heroine and, of course, seventy feet of golden hair. Featuring the stunning concept art from sketches and character designs to storyboards and color scripts The Art of Tangled also gives readers an inside look at the film's fascinating history, which began over 65 years ago with Walt Disney's early explorations of the fairy tale.
Tangled, the 50th animated feature produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios, offers a lighthearted twist on Rapunzel, the beloved fairy tale from the Brothers Grimm, complete with a daring heroine and, of course, seventy feet of golden hair. Featuring the stunning concept art from sketches and character designs to storyboards and color scripts The Art of Tangled also gives readers an inside look at the film's fascinating history, which began over 65 years ago with Walt Disney's early explorations of the fairy tale.