by Cody Maverick
Surf's Up, the latest CG-animated feature film from Sony Pictures Animation, is based on the "true story" of up-and-coming surfer, Cody Maverick. The film follows Coydy as he enters his first pro surf competition. Get an inside look at the making of this incredible film in this volume, packed with a wealth of extras, including a DVD that details the digital image-making process, a teaser movie poster, a booklet on "Building a Digital Wave," vintage surfer postcards, a surfboard bookmark, and a commemorative Pen Gu Times newspaper! 350 color illustrations. Introduction by Jeff Bridges.
Surf's Up, the latest CG-animated feature film from Sony Pictures Animation, is based on the "true story" of up-and-coming surfer, Cody Maverick. The film follows Coydy as he enters his first pro surf competition. Get an inside look at the making of this incredible film in this volume, packed with a wealth of extras, including a DVD that details the digital image-making process, a teaser movie poster, a booklet on "Building a Digital Wave," vintage surfer postcards, a surfboard bookmark, and a commemorative Pen Gu Times newspaper! 350 color illustrations. Introduction by Jeff Bridges.